Tasha Marie, Grew up in a household where music coloured her childhood, with her father working as a drum and base DJ and Mother a vocalist she was constantly surrounded by music, Natasha was always encouraged to write stories, poems, and read books which continues to help her craft her best songs.

Acting was Tasha’s favourite subject at school she loved the idea of depicting different emotional scenarios relating to characters and writing music that expressed how she interpreted their lives, she took music GCSE which required vocal lessons which sparked her interest in becoming an artist no matter what it took.

At 14  Tasha Marie began to pursue a career in modelling as a freelance model she actively sought out her own castings, created her own portfolio and managed her own invoice system, she had the pleasure of working with a wide array of brands and being featured dominantly in Hair style magazines, through such exposure she was fortunate to meet with Creative and Label CEO Toks Majek, who believed in her and now after a year’s development her first EP is about to be released.

Debut Video